Which is so exciting and annoying all at the same time when it comes to canning and food preservation. Exciting because all the fresh foods I love are about to be available! Annoying because they aren’t available JUST yet. So, what does a canner like me do in the meantime???? Prep and get ready for the season to come.

Here’s a list of things to do:
Get your pressure canner dials tested! Here’s a link to find an extension office near you: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/land-grant-colleges-and-universities-partner-website-directory?state=All&type=Extension
Check your jars for cracks and chips around the rims.
How is your lid and ring/band supply?
Check your favorite recipes to make sure they are up to date. Contact your extension office if you have questions or need a recommendation
Here’s a list of things to buy
Pectin - make sure to check the expiration dates prior to purchasing!!!
5% White or Apple Cider Vinegar - remember: when pickling you need to use store bought 5% vinegar as it’s guaranteed to have the correct percentage. Homemade vinegars are inconsistent. Save the homemade vinegars for non shelf stable storage foods and recipes.
Pickling Salt
Pickling Spices - unless you make your own, here’s a recipe if you don’t have one: https://youtu.be/qaCOFqg40po?si=vgS0-Rvauntesjxs
Sugar for jams, jellies, marmalases, fruits and the like
Supplies to watch for when pickling:
Fresh dill weed
Garlic in bulk
Dried peppers
These are some basic items to get you started. Reviewing your favorite recipes to prepare for the season may spark your memory for other items needed.
Did I mention how excited I am for this time of year???? ITS. SO. MUCH. FUN!