I LOVE canning and all things home food preservation! So much so that I became a Master Food Preserver (MFP) through my local agricultural university extension office a few years ago. It’s been a gift to me, learning as much as I have from the classes, continuing education that’s required and each time I volunteer at various events. All of us volunteers have items we regularly preserve well so to get the opportunity to learn from the best makes my canning heart happy!
I had a charmed life growing up in the country with my grandparents next door, which was a walk across the horse and hay pasture for me. Next to them was my uncle and family who had horses and I got to go on day long trail rides with him. My grandparents grew up during the Depression and remembered being hungry which is why gardening and food preservation was so important to them. My family also hunted, fished and raised our own beef so we had plenty of delicious, fresh and home canned food around us at all times.
It feels like a privilege to be able to feed my family with the same food values I had growing up.
Store bought food was becoming a thing in the 50’s and 60’s but my family, which included great aunts, uncles and all sorts of cousins all grew gardens and preserved food as well. Little did we know we were eating much healthier and creating strong bodies as a result.
This is an exciting opportunity for me to share all my canning and food preservation wisdom as a way to pay it forward. I don’t want these skills, tips, tricks to just die away from those of us whose whole families relied on safe food preservation as that was the only thing available back in the day.
I’m seeing a resurgence of folks wanting to know where their food comes from and to preserve what they harvest in their backyards. It seems gone are the days where families would plant giant gardens whereas you can get a lot of food from a small space. Plus, farmers markets and local farms are often available for the foods that folks aren’t able to grow.
So, let’s get going on this fantastic food journey! I’m excited to get to know you along the way. Feel free to reach out, I would love to hear from you!