About the Recipe
Wonderfully thick and rich fruit flavors where sweetness is tamed from the spices
2 Lbs Dried Apricots Water
3 C Lightly Packed Brown Sugar
2 ½ C Chopped Pitted Dates
2 ½ C Raisins
2 C White Wine Vinegar
1 Tbls Mustard Seeds
1 Tbsp Salt
2 Tsp Ground Ginger
1 Tsp Ground Coriander
Tools Needed:
Jar Lifter
Lid Lifter
Headspace tool
In a large bowl, combine apricots with water to cover. Let stand for 30 minutes. Drain, chop and place in large stainless steel saucepan. Add 2 cups water, brown sugar, dates, raisins, vinegar, mustard seeds, salt, ginger and coriander. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and boil gently, stirring frequently, until thick enough to mound on a spoon about 20 minutes.
Prepare canner, jars and lids
Ladle chutney into jot jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Wipe rim, Center lid on jar, Screw band down until resistance is met, then increase to fingertip-tight.
Place jars in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil and process for 10 minutes. Remove canner lid. Wait 5 minutes, then remove jars, cool and store.
Fill Jar – ½ Inch Headspace
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Additional Resources:
National Center for Home Food Preservation - https://nchfp.uga.edu/
Ball/Kerr Website - https://www.freshpreserving.com/
Food Safety Hotline - 800-354-7319
Ask An Expert! - https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-expert
Pick-Your-Own - https://www.pickyourown.org/
Local University Extension Service